Thursday 8 December 2011

New images for magazine

This image I have edited to make it brighter so that my model's lips and eyes stand out the most. Unlike the other photos, I have made he visible to my reader so they can recognise her straight away. I have also dressed her in a hat which shows she has her own sense of fashion.
Another photo I have chosen shows my model smiling. It also suggests that she is laughing which shows that she is a fun person which will get my audience to take interest in her as she can relate with them.
My final photo I have chosen shows more of my model's (music artists) fun side. She has her tongue sticking out which could suggest that she doesn't take like too serious and just wants to have fun and enjoy herself. Props used in this photo are headphones and microphone which suggests to my audience that she is a singer and is recording a new song.
These images will be used for my double page spread as well as some others with a different model as they will appear in a double act called 'Wired'

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