Saturday 10 December 2011

Evaluation Q2

A                                                                                   B

The shot type for both photographs of my model is a medium shot at eye view. The differences are the posture and facial expressions. Model B's posture has their hands by their side and their body straight, whereas as model A has her sitting down cuddling in to herself which suggests that she has positioned to do this for a particular shot (magazine). Also,  suggesting that she looks like a shy girl, but she is a confident, excited music artist. The differences on make up on both images are that I have focused more on image A concentrating on her and eyes and lips, with mascara and lipstick. These are the main areas that are targeted on the face where readers will notice immediately and admire. The main difference is my models costume. Image B costume is more casual, will printed t-shirt and their hair is tied up. Image A, the models hair has been straightened and styled and is wearing a thick coat with their hood up to make her look like she has her own sense of fashion where readers could look up to and admire her trend. Both images have been taken inside but the difference in lighting is that image B, the lighting in natural, whereas image A, the lighting has been purposely been put brighter to show and focus more on their face. Overall, the elements used in both photos represent a young female social group. There are variations of different people in my magazine but is more focused on normal people but with different styles, showing that it is good to be different and not the same.

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