Saturday 10 December 2011

Evaluation Q4

The image above is my target audience for my music magazine. They would be interested in indie music. My audience would like to be different in someway, such as their appearance, the way they dress or what music they listen too. They spend their time listening to music, taking photographs and going out with people who have the same interests as them. Most of them will spend their money on music related items such as magazines, concert tickets etc, clothes and alcohol. Their lifestyle would be doing well in education (mainly in artistic subjects) going to gigs and festivals with friends. They would shop online mainly so they can get clothes and accessorise that no one else has, or they will go into less popular shops or even charity shops so that their clothes are only worn by them and no one else. Programmes that my audience will watch would things such as scrubs and misfits as they can relate to the characters.
My audience would buy magazine as the colour scheme contrasts well with the images used. Also my magazine has a mixture of bands and artists but mainly focuses on female artist such as Devon Christina and Holly Evans where they can relate to the audience more as they are young girls who are interested in their style of music.

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