Thursday 8 December 2011

Inspirational double page spreads

The first inspiration double page spread is from music magazine Kerrang! I like how one of the two pages is a full image of the band as the reader can have a clearer picture of what the band look like. This is something that I would like to do in my double page spread so my audience know what the artist looks like. I also like how the colour scheme is kept, with the colours red, black and white as it looks more professional and neat. The layout of this double page spread is very organised and the text has been structured together so that it is easy for the reader to follow. All together this double page spread is successful and has acheived it's overall purpose and audience.

This doublepage spread is from another music magazine, NME. Again, I like how half of the page is an image of the artisits in the article to give the reader an idea of their personality and appearance. I like how within the article, they have highlighted one of the sentences written so that the reader notices it straight away. It will have to be something interesting so that the reader becomes interested and carry on reading. This is something that I would like to do in my music magazine.

In this music magazine Q, I like how you notice the large red 'L' in the background of the article. This is because the article is about successful music artist Lady Gaga and the 'L' stands for the first intitial of her stage name and is also in the colour red to match the magazines main colour scheme. This also looks effective as everything else in the article including the image is in black and white so the 'L' is extremely noticeable and stands out. In my double page spread, I would also like the colour scheme to match with the one on my front cover and contents page. This will make my magazine look more proffesional and sophisticated to readers.

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