Thursday 15 December 2011

Evaluation Q1

I have selected 9 frames from my magazine. The first frame selected is the mass head on my front cover. The name Fusion is related to music as it means a mixture of different typed of music, which is formed to make popular everyday music which is ideal for my magazine. It's also a short, memorable name so it is recognised by the audience. The font is also in a funky type of Times New Roman, so that it looks more sophisticated but stylish at the same time and also ideal for young girls, who are my target audience. The colours you can see are my main colour scheme which are red, black and white.

Similar to NME, which is a rock music magazine, I have highlighted main words within the headline in the colour red, to match with my colour scheme. I have chosen the word "shocking"to highlight to make my readers notice that something serious has happened and they need to find out by buying my magazine. Underneath I have used a quote "why we had to kick harry out" to reveal what it is all about but not unleash much information about it until they look inside.

Another frame I have selected from my magazine is the essential information from my main headline. This is common in most magazine as they keep the reader more interested in the story. This is why I have done this with my magazine so it will keep my audience interested in the headline and want to buy my magazine to find out more. It is also in the colour red with a black outline so that it stands out more and also matches with my colour scheme.
 A frame taken from my double page spread is a group of photos from my cover model and the other band member which shows the reader what they look like. Also the borders to go around the images match with my colour scheme so that my magazine matches all the way through. I think that this layout is different from what other magazine have as other magazines would usually have one large image to take up one page unlike mine, where I have stacked them on top of each other.
This frame I have taken from my front cover of my magazine. I have used arrows directing the reader to carry on to find out more about the story. Kerrang! and NME also use this to direct and locate the best part of the magazine. The rhetorical question "What ever happend to Holly Evans?" reminds the reader of the artist and interests them to know what has actually happened to her. The colours also match with my colour scheme from my magazine.

This frame was taken from my double page spread which is at the the end of the interview. This is just a bit more information to notify when the magazine will next hear of the band and to keepthe reader updated. I have also showed the bands latest album to show readers what it looks like and where you can buy them from if the are interested. Most music magazines such as Q or Kerrang! will have this after an interview for the same reasons.

This frame is taken from the front cover of my magazine. It is the barcode, price and issue number of the magazine. All magazines will have these. This is just extra information so the readers knows how much my magazine costs and what issue number it is so they know whether they are up to date with the magazine.
This frame is also from my double page spread at the end of my interview which also gives extra information after the interview. This is also common for magazines to have at the end of an interview too. I have gave the readers information from when they can interact with the duo Wired by giving them the date, time and website to go on. I have highlight the web adress in red so that it stands out and is noticed by my readers straight away. The colour also go with my colour scheme throughout my magazine.

The last frame I have chosen is from my contents page. This is to show the readers what the next issue will be like so that it will attract and tempt my readers to make sure that they buy it. Kerrang! also do the same for the same reason and gives the reader a taster of what is coming up in the next issue. The colour used also go with my colour scheme.

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