Sunday, 15 April 2012

My audience

For my magazine, I have aimed my target audience at both male and female, but slightly heading more towards the female gender with the type of features and artists that I will include in my magazine. The age range will be aimed at 16-25 year olds who have a geniuine interest in rock and indie music or are even an artist or part of a band that are starting off.
With my audiences age range being fairly young and their interest in music they would be most likely to save and buy things that relate to music such as guitars, amps, drumkits and microphones. Also as it is a young age range they wouldn't be likely to buy expensive things such as cars, houses and holidays away. Too meet their needs I have set the price of my magazine to £1.20 as it isn't that expensive and will give the audience information and entertainment about music.

My audience will probably spend their time either going out with their friends and going to parties and music gigs/concerts, as that is what their main interest will be. This is because of the age range being young, this is the time where my audience are most likely to be extremely outgoing and socialable as they don't have to worry much about starting a family and paying bills etc as most of them will still be in education.

Stuff that would interest my audience into buying my magazine would be main headline which are most likely to be interviews, as it may be with a well known artist or band that they like therefore making them buy it to find out what they are up to and how they are doing. Also competitions would interest my audience as with them being at a young age and not earning enough money to buy expensive things, they will attracted to the prizes that could be won such as music tickets or signed instrument by their favourite artist/band.

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